Sensory Marketing
Sensory marketing could be an effective tool for gaining consumer insights in the food industry. It influences emotional consumer decision-making through product variability, concepts, packaging, and marketing mix scenarios. I have conducted research on the role of sensory attributes within the organic sector.
Asioli, D., Wongprawmas, R., Pignatti, E., Canavari, M. (2018). “Can Information affect Sensory Perceptions? Evidence from a Survey on Italian Organic Food Consumers“. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 3(3):327-344.
Hemmerling, S., Asioli, D., Spiller, A. (2016). “Core Organic Taste: Preferences for Sensory Attributes of Organic Food among European Consumers”. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 22(7):824-850.
Asioli, D., Canavari, M., Pignatti E., Obermowe, T., Sidali, K. L., Vogt, C., Spiller, A. (2014). “Sensory Experiences and Expectations of Italian and German Organic Consumers”. International Journal of Food and Agribusiness Marketing, 26(1): 13 – 27.
Asioli, D., Canavari, M., Pignatti E. (2012). “Sensory Attributes and Marketing: Italian Organic Producers’ Perspective”. DIE BODENKULTUR – Journal for Land Management, Food and Environment, 63(2):7-16.
Asioli, D., Canavari, M., Castellini, A., De Magistris, T., Gottardi, F., Lombardi, P., Pignatti, E., Spadoni R. (2011). “The Role of Sensory Attributes in Marketing Organic Food: Findings from a Qualitative Study on Italian Consumers“. Journal of Food Distribution Research. XLII (1): 16 – 21.