Research Methodologies

I spend a lot of time thinking about how to improve experimental, survey and statistical methods to better understand how consumers will actually react to food policies and marketing. This research led to investigate some new consumer research methods such as experimental auctions, multiple price list, choice experiment, projective mapping, partial-least square regression, and conjoint analysis.

Nguyen, QC, Asioli, D., Varela, P., and Næs, T. (2023) “Comparison of Different Ways of Handling Consumer Segments using L-shaped Data”. Journal of Sensory Studies.

Asioli, D., Nguyen, Q.C., Varela, P., Næs, T. (2022). Comparison of Different Ways of Handling L-shaped Data for Integrating Sensory and Consumer Information. Food Quality and Preference, 96, March: 104426.

Asioli, D., Mignani, A., Alfnes, F., (2021).Quick and Easy? Respondent Evaluations of the Becker-DeGroot-Marschak (BDM) and Multiple Price List (MPL) Valuation Mechanisms”. Agribusiness: an International Journal, 37(2): 215-234.

Asioli, D., Berget, I., Næs, T. (2018). Comparison of Different Clustering Methods for Investigating Individual Differences using Choice Experiments”. Food Research International, 111:371-378.

Varela, P., Berget, I., Hersleth. M., Carlehøg, M., Asioli, D., Næs, T. (2017). “Projective Mapping based on Choice or Preference: An Affective Approach to Projective Mapping”. Food Research International, 100(2):241-251.

Asioli, D., Almli, V. L., Næs, T., (2016). Comparison of Two Different Strategies for Investigating Individual Differences Among Consumers in Choice Experiments. A Case Study based on Preferences for Iced Coffee in Norway“. Food Quality and Preference, 54: 79-89.

Asioli, D., Næs, T., Øvrum A., Almli, V.L. (2016). “Comparison of Rating-Based and Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis Models. A case study based on Preferences for Iced Coffee in Norway”. Food Quality and Preference (48): 174-184.

Asioli, D. Næs, T., Granli, B.S., Almli, V. L. (2014). Consumer Preferences for Iced Coffee determined by Conjoint Analysis: An Exploratory Study with Norwegian Consumers”. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 49(6): 1565-1571.